How We Began

The idea of a pillar candle showcasing the insignia of the Armed Forces Non-Commissioned Officer ranks first came to us while stationed overseas back in 2003, that’s right – over 20 years ago. We had Air Force and Army molds custom designed and manufactured, then began testing waxes, wicks, and scents.

Why We Stopped

We sold our candles, that were wonderfully scented and would burn for many hours, on base for a brief period. When the time came for us to return to the States for our next assignment as an Air Force Recruiter in Eastern Pennsylvania there was no base nearby to sell our candles and our young boys were becoming active in scouts and school, leaving no time for candle making.

Life continued through the years, including another assignment to the South Metro area of Minneapolis, MN. Raising now active teenage boys and focusing on our family, the candle equipment remained downstairs in the basement storage room. Yep, we had some candles that sat down there wrapped and boxed for over thirteen years. After retiring from the Air Force and our boys graduating high school and college, we were now empty nesters. One day, I set out on a mission to “clear out” the mess that had accumulated in the basement storage room. As I sat there sifting through the boxes that contained the files of a once great idea, I thought … why not?

A New Beginning

So, the adventure began once again in 2023 and WOW are things different now compared to back in the early 2000s. The vast amount of information that is now available at your fingertips can all be accessed digitally on an iPad or a cellphone. Bulky desk top computer that made funny noises while connecting to the internet are no longer required.

Our mission

Everything is New

Everything, and I mean everything, has been redesigned. Our name, brand, logo, wrapping and even the candle has gone through major changes to bring our company, Military Candle Co, in to 2023. The candle no longer burns completely, it is now designed to hold a tea light. Either a scented, burnable tea light colored to match the candle, or if you wish to display the candle in your office or dormitory room where candles cannot be burned, a battery operated, LED tea light can be used in place of the burnable tea light.

Military Candle Co looks forward to helping you celebrate your career.

Our team